Elite Genetics

We constantly update our product portfolio to address your growing needs, making sure every cotton variety is bred to perform in your region.

Deltapine® Elite Genetics Icon

Bred for Strong Performance

Every Deltapine® variety is built on our four pillars of excellence. Elite genetics is one of those pillars, ensuring yield performance in unique growing conditions across the Cotton Belt.

Meeting Growers' Needs

Through 100 years of working side by side with growers, Deltapine has developed a five-step commercialization process that turns grower feedback into game-changing varieties.

We call it the Journey From Need to Seed.

Constantly Growing Stronger

Our research and development pipeline is designed to address the challenges cotton growers face. Through years of biotechnology research, we strive to increase yield and fiber quality potential, offer the benefits of herbicide tolerance, and reduce the impact of pests, diseases and stress.


Strong Cotton is developed to give growers like you the performance potential, support and piece of mind to overcome the everyday challenges of raising cotton. 

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